Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why I don't text and drive

Lately I have been focusing on many things that people shouldn't do. I know that we're in the age of new technology and such but one thing that I found to be so irksome and cumbersome is texting while trying to multi-task. Or how about texting and driving. This drives me nuts because I cannot fathom for the life of me why anyone would try to type and drive at the same time. Many people feel that they have the "skills" to do this, but how does one know? I don't buy it especially since a young girl fell down a manhole while texting and walking. Just today a woman nearly bumped into me while texting and walking. She was very apologetic, but where is the line drawn. Another sad story was of a young man who was decapitated while driving and texting. The pics of his recovered body are now floating all over cyber space for the world to see. These pics are not for the weak or for weak stomachs. My heart goes out to his family. Now New York state is in the process of banning those annoying drivers who text on their Black Berries. I can't wait for this law to pass. Even though we all know that there will be certain individuals who will break the law because they feel they have "skills" to multi-task while driving. While behind the wheel of any type of vehicle, there should only be one thing on the driver's mind: DRIVING AND PAYING ATTENTION TO THE ROAD PERIOD!! It just won't work. Sphere: Related Content

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