Friday, February 13, 2009

I vow not to be a blabbermouth in public while talking on my cell phone!

"The cell phone is the most inconsiderate piece of technology ever made," my mom said. Now this wasn't something she just said a few months ago. I remember her saying it years ago while we were walking down the street and saw a woman on her cell talking loud and not thinking about her surroundings. She was arguing with someone, I'm going to assume her boyfriend. This woman, yes I said woman, cursed, berated this guy on a cell phone in the middle of downtown Brooklyn. You know how some people say get a room? Or maybe bring back phone booths so that people can go in there and hold personal convos, business calls and the like. So I have vowed not to answer my cell phone in public unless I know it is an important call beforehand. At the Starbucks on my school's campus they have a sign at the register-"please turn off cell phones so we can serve you better." Customers will come up to the register talking on the phone and they can't decide if they want a latte or who was acting out on the latest reality show.

The kicker for me was when I was in NYC for the holidays and this professional looking woman was having a really personal conversation with a guy. She was telling him in very explicit language how he should wash his private area because she was tired of "going down" on him for obvious reasons. Shocked and appalled I wondered if she knew how loudly she was talking on the phone. For that matter do we ourselves even realize how loud we talk on our cell phones in public? When in the comfort of your own home you can talk as loud, laugh as loud and talk about whatever explicit material your heart desires. There was this woman in the grocery store who was trying to work out her differences with her boyfriend after a breakup. She was distraught and was pleading to mend a relationship that he didn't want to continue.

Talking loud in public on the phone is just not cool. Sometimes there are some calls that have to be answered. Calls from family members as well as business call are important at times. If you can help it, try and answer the phone in a corner, bathroom or even speak low. Yes sometimes hearing someone on the other end of the line can be annoying but it's more annoying hearing why your boyfriend was cheating on Tyqueesha with her best friend. Some things need to be kept in private. Are cell phones sometimes intrusive in nature? Why do people sometimes say "we don't need to hear your whole conversation", while standing at the bust stop? Some commuter trains have implemented "Quiet Cars" on trains for commuters who don't want to spend their ride home hearing someone yakking on their cell phone. It's a great idea, now if only we can have quiet zones on the sidewalks and in the grocery stores. I know it's pushing it and asking for a little too much, but hey you never know.

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By bksis

Should there be a handbook accompanied with phones that gives tips on cell phone etiquette? Simple cell phone etiquette should be followed:

1. Stop talking loud on your cell phone if you're not in the comfort of your own home.
2. While in a meeting or in class, please put your phone on silent, vibrate or just turn it off!
3. Ladies please stop talking about personal things such as monthly cycles, hygiene and the like. That goes for guys too.
4. Stop talking on the cell phone and driving! Use a hands free hand set or bluetooth.
5. If you have to be on the phone in public, please refrain from using profane language.

Look at the guy talking loudly on his cell during a presentation. The nerve....

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