Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Who Comes to An Interview Cracking Gum and Wearing Stilettos?

The standard outfit to wear to an interview is a dark colored suit with shoes and a tie for men and usually a skirt suit for women. Even if the potential job states to come to the interview in business casual attire, still wear a suit. It is so important to dress the part for an interview, especially in this economy you have to sell your self even harder. If you come up short in the wardrobe department, it can mean the difference between not getting your dream job. I went on an interview for a temporary assignment. It was short term which fit perfect with my schedule. Even though the recruiter told me the interview attire was business casual, I still put on the matching blazer with my pant suit. He even went on to tell me not to wear jeans to the interview! So I asked him, "do people really show up to your interviews dressed in jeans?" He went on to politely tell me that not only do people come to the interview with jeans on, they also have friends and family accompany them! How in this day and age, do people not know how to dress properly for an interview?

Dressing the part for the interview is critical in the decision process. It is the first impression that a potential employer can use to determine if they want to hire you or not. Even before you open your mouth! Neatness is also important in the business attire dress. Don't come to the interview in a suit that leaves you looking disheveled because you woke up late and rushed. Make sure you take a good look in the mirror before you leave for that interview, from head to toe. Make sure your hair is neat, shoes are shined and please don't wear perfume or cologne. Believe me when I tell you that fragrances may offend others and I know when a guy slathers on a whole bottle of BRUT does not leave a nice lingering smell while in a small conference room with three interviewees.

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Continuing on my interview for the temporary assignment, the other candidates were dressed appropriately. There were a couple of candidates that were out of line because of their attire. One young lady had on a bright turquoise blouse with matching turquoise shoes and bag. No way can you wear that to an interview. The ironic thing was that she kept looking down at her shoes as if she knew she made a bad choice. The next girl trumps all I have ever seen in life of a an interview going from bad to worse. A young lady about 19 years old came to the interview 15 minutes late. Yes 15 minutes late! Not only was she late but she came into the establishment cracking gum, and her attire was a summer outfit to say the least. Gum at an interview? That is an ultimate no, no! She wore red stilettos with the silver pencil heel. Then on top you're cracking the gum like it's POP ROCKS? How about you should KICK ROCKS if you think you're getting that job! Her attire was unacceptable, stilettos with no hosiery, pants too tights and a low cut shirt with a plunging neck line. I felt embarrased for her for some reason.

Here are some tips on how to prepare your wardrobe and yourself for an interview:

**The standard outfit for an interview is a dark colored suit-i.e. black or dark blue.**
**Women can wear a suit with pants or a skirt. Make sure the skirt at least comes to the knee caps!**
**Men wear a tie with your suit**
**Don't wear any perfume or cologne**
**Leave the multiple face jewelry at home**
**Don't wear excessive or noisy jewelry**
**Bring a portfolio showcasing your work**
**Arrive 5-10 minutes early**
**Make eye contact with the interviewee**
**Be confident and sell yourself**

Good Luck... Sphere: Related Content

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