Thursday, January 22, 2009

What Happened to the Adage of Don't Talk To or Go Anywhere With Strangers?

It's funny how far adults will go to talk to a stranger. It's one thing if you're networking at a party and you randomly introduce yourself to people as a means of gaining contacts. It's another if you're randomly picking up women to get into their pants. I remember my parents drilling my brother and I as kids on how not to talk to strangers and don't ever go anywhere with a stranger. No matter what the situation was I was definitely scared after watching the movie Adam back in the early '80's. I was scared to death, knowing that a stranger could walk up to me and lure me with candy or pull me into a car.

As an adult the same situation applies. I refuse to go anywhere with someone I don't know. While in the club a few weeks back, a man came up to me and asked me if I was having a good time. "Yes, this is a great party, nice atmosphere and cool people." The next thing that came out of his mouth was "Do you want to go home with me?" I looked at him like he was dropped on his head as a baby and just didn't have it all upstairs. "Do I know you? Why would I go somewhere with a total stranger?" Do you know what his lame excuse was? "We're both adults." I went on to tell him that his lame excuse had nothing to do with the price of tea in China.

Then I went as far as to break it down to him because he was so clueless as to why I was so disgusted at his attempt to woo me. "You didn't ask me my name and you don't know me from a hole in the wall. Why would you risk your safety just to knock boots with a stranger?" I could see the disappointment in his face as he started to turn red. "What if I were a psycho chick who you brought home and I decided to set you up or even what if i were to cut your throat?" He didn't like that at all. "I want to give you a few words of advice, when you approach a woman, don't be so overbearing, it's a turnoff. I know that as a grown man you have it in you to approach a woman in a polite manner. After I lectured him on how to be soft in his approach, he rolled his eyes and stepped off mad at the fact that I wouldn't go home with a total stranger. Then I thought to myself, obviously chicks do go home with him if he felt the need to step to women in this fashion. If that one woman didn't say "yes" then he wouldn't think he can go around asking women to go home with him. Maybe he thougnt he was flattering a sista, but I shut that down real quick. As he walked away he was mouthing something to me, but of course I couldn't hear over the loud music. Give me a break, you're mad because I had to break it down to a grown man who should know better even as an adult not to go anywhere with a stranger? As the world gets crazier and more blasphemous, people still put themselves at risk. Smdh.

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