Thursday, January 8, 2009

Do Guys Really Move on After the Breakup?

It's always assumed that guys move on faster than women after a serious breakup. Serious meaning a serious relationship for at least a year or more. Has the dating game become different for the sexes in terms of who sulks more after the "it's not you, it's me" line? Having recently spoken to a friend who I haven't heard from in about a year, I asked her what was the deal with her boyfriend she had been dating for four years. By now he was her "ex" and she exclaimed that he was trying to hold on to something that wasn't there anymore-the relationship. They apparently broken up because of his alleged cheating habits. What was more amusing was the fact that her "ex" was delusional about the whole break up and was calling on the regular like nothing happened. The kicker was whe she told him that she had moved on with her life and that she was serious about her current interest well before his delusional state set in. Delusional is the perfect word to describe him because he shed dry tears and whimpered like a baby when he found her new flame's number on her missed calls on the Blackberry.
Why was he searching you ask? Who knows. The same reason why women go snooping around in their man's phone, pants, jacket pockets and Jansport's, just to find something they know they dont want to see and get to crying and asking-"why you do me like this". Can a dude handle the fact that his old girlfriend has moved on and isn't concerned with blowing up his phone? Is the old addage true that men don't have as much emotion when it comes to the breakup? Or do you guys just hold it all in for show and then break their peace while in their comfort zone? Are the roles now reversed? Are women starting to act like men now and if so is it too much to handle? Personally I don't think it's the worst thing in the world for a man to express his hurt but please don't start crying and weeping like it's the end of the world.
Maybe this old school Milli Vanilli song can help ease the pain:

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1 comment:

  1. one of the sorriest sights in my eyes is a whimpering man.. now i'm not insensitive and understand men have emotions too... however.. if you know that YOU MESSED UP a relationship... what r u crying for? get over it and deal wit the decisions you made! the term MAN UP comes to mind here!
